Fleet Street Antiviral Sanitisation Services

24 Hours Mon-Sun
☎ 02033932757

Call Fleet Street Antiviral Sanitisation

Residential Antiviral Sanitisation in Fleet Street

COVID-19 - Homes & Flats Antiviral Sanitisation Specialists.

  • Residential Antiviral Sanitisation
  • Kills 99.99% of germs and viruses
  • Shops / Stores
  • Offices / Buildings
  • Cars / Vans
Your local Antiviral Sanitisation Service
Fast Service☎ 02033932757

Antiviral Sanitisation in Fleet Street

Worried about germs lingering in the hard-to-reach parts of your house, and to make sure your house is free from noxious bacteria and viruses? We offer a deep clean and Sanitisation service to all Fleet Street residential properties.

The answer is simple. Have your property professionally sanitised and disinfected by our Fleet Street specialist team.

Residential anti-viral cleaning Fleet Street

At the moment many people are thinking, perhaps for the first time about harmful viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms which might have been brought into their homes. Your Fleet Street home is your place of safety, and you want to make sure that it is free from anything that could threaten you or your family.

If you are worried and think you may need to ensure that your home is virus and bacteria free, we are ready to help.

We sanitise and disinfect houses, flats, and if you are a landlord we can do the same for your rental properties too. We are totally flexible and ready to meet your requirements. You might feel that you want a once-over deep clean or you might require a Sanitisation and disinfection procedure on a regular basis. The choice is yours.

Quick response... call us on:☎ 02033932757

What we do

We offer a deep clean and Sanitisation service to all residential properties. This includes a service for landlords who own rental properties. Germ-killing disinfectant won’t work properly unless it is able to come in direct contact with the organisms. So first of all we give your home a deep clean. We clean your walls, floors, carpets, frequently used objects such as remote controls, all handles, bathrooms, kitchens, electrical appliances etc.

As well as cleaning we sanitise using a sanitising solution on damp cloths to wipe all objects and surfaces, and rise through using the same solution.

We also use a spray. The spray delivers fine droplets of the disinfectant solution in order to kill any remaining germs.

Our antiviral Sanitisation process is completely reliable and we offer a guarantee on all our works. Don’t spend time worrying about germs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I usually clean and sanitise my home?

Normally it is sufficient to do a clean and disinfection every few days. However at the present time it is wise to consider disinfecting frequently used surfaces such as kitchen worktops every day. A one-off thorough clean by us will set you on the right road.

Are the solutions you use safe for children and pets?

Yes, the chemicals in our antiviral solutions are toxin free and perfectly safe for use with both children and pets.